Normanby Realignment, SH1 Timaru

Location: Timaru
Duration: 24 Months, 2003-2005
Client: Transit NZ
Value: $5.6 million
Delivered on Time and Budget?  Yes, 2 months ahead of schedule

This was the largest project Transit NZ (Canterbury) completed in 2005 and involved the realignment of 3.2km of State Highway No.1, just south of Timaru.

We installed 14 sediment control ponds as part of an extensive Environmental management plan and we maintained close contact with ECan throughout the entire contract while they monitored both our gravel extraction sites and sediment control measures.

REL made cuts of in excess of 12m and fills in excess of 13m to establish the new alignment. Total cut was 325,000m3, total fill was 370,000m3 including 24,000m3 of roading basecourses. The filled material was intensively tested to confirm that 98% maximum dry density was achieved. This material was extremely moisture sensitive and we established personnel full time to test the fill material and monitor the water content.

This project passed all testing requirements requested by the Engineer, and demonstrates our ability to handle large quantities of highly sensitive materials, producing an excellent end product, all within the Clients time frame. OSH was invited to inspect the site and we received a Grade 2 rating, with some excellent comments.


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